Teaching Someone How to Play Poker

When teaching someone how to play poker, there are several rules that you must follow. These include the Blinds and Bets. Also, you must be very careful when asking questions. You should never give an answer that is not necessary. It is better to let the dealer count the chips and your opponent can do the same. You also must avoid making fun of mistakes.


There are many different rules when playing poker. Unlike many other games, the game of poker has rules that are set by an organization called the Professional Tournament Directors Association (PTDA). Founded by poker players Matt Savage, Linda Johnson, Jan Fisher, and David Lamb in 2001, the organization represents 2,500 members from more than 50 countries. Its members include the managers of large live poker rooms, circuits, and independent tournaments. The group is also headed by WSOP Tournament Director Jack Effel.


Poker bets are an important part of a poker game. They can help you make decisions and increase the pot. You may choose to bet on value or pot size. A value bet is a good option if you think you have the best hand and can win the pot. However, you may not want to bet too much, as this can intimidate your opponent.


Poker blinds are a way for players to increase the size of the pot, thus encouraging them to stay in the game longer. During poker tournaments, the blinds structure is agreed upon by all the players at the table. Blinds are a common part of Texas Hold’em games. In cash games, the blinds are set at a fixed amount before the game begins, whereas in tournaments, blinds increase over time.

Angle shooting

Angle shooting is a strategy that involves hiding high-denomination chips behind a large stack of lower denomination chips. You might have seen this technique used in a poker tournament or seen it happen to someone you know. You might also be a new player to the game and not have understood the rules yet, so it’s easy to fall victim to angle shooting.

Refusing to show your hand in a timely manner

In the game of poker, refusing to reveal your hand in a timely manner is considered polite and politeness. It allows other players to see what you have without giving away your hand. Moreover, the dealer is unlikely to punish you for not showing your hand. However, some players feel hesitant to reveal their hands, so it is a good idea to reveal your cards when the time comes.